The Cambridge Certificate TKT enables teachers to increase their career prospects even if they have no teaching experience or are not teaching staff. TKT stands for „Teaching Knowledge Test“, i.e. the test examines general teacher knowledge, although the knowledge is more pedagogical. It is aimed at primary and secondary school teachers, but is also suitable for teachers in adult education.

Requirements of the TKT

TKT is suitable for teachers in primary, secondary or adult education who wish to obtain a globally recognized qualification as proof of teaching experience. This allows young teachers without experience to receive further training, as well as older teachers who wish to specialize. TKT participants should have sufficient English language skills at level B1 according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). There are no other requirements, but the test is designed for teachers of English as a foreign language.

The advantages of TKT

The TKT Cambridge Certificate from the University of Cambridge is recognized worldwide and is considered a benchmark for quality. TKT can be obtained regardless of professional experience as a teacher or career path.

Die flexiblen Module bedeuten, dass der TKT-Kurs sehr gut mit einer Karriere als Lehrer oder anderen Verpflichtungen kombiniert werden kann. Denn der Zeitraum, in dem die Module belegt werden können, kann beliebig lang sein, und die Prüfungszentren können das Curriculum individuell auf den einzelnen Studierenden abstimmen.

The goals of TKT

By attending a preparation course for the TKT exam, students can increase their self-confidence and acquire knowledge and skills that will support their professional development as English teachers. Of course, you can also exchange ideas with other participants there. In this way, the foundations for good teaching practice are laid and professional work opportunities are improved.

Registration for the TKT


Registration for a TKT course takes place at one of the four local examination centers approved in Germany, where further information on the course and examination dates is also available. These are the Cambridge Institute (Platinum Center) in Munich, the Munich Adult Education Center, Berlitz Deutschland GmbH in Berlin and the State Association of Adult Education Institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia (Platinum Center) in Düsseldorf.


In Austria there is a test center in St. Pölten. This is the WIFI Lower Austria.


Switzerland offers a total of 11 examination centers to choose from. These are: the Cambridge English Examinations Centre, Aargau, the Cambridge English Examinations Centre Berne (Platinum Centre), the Swiss Exams in Chur, the Cambridge English Examinations Centre, Lucerne, the CEL-Cambridge English Languages (Platinum Centre) in St. Gallen, Switzerland, the Cambridge English Examinations Centre, Aargau, Switzerland, the CEL-Cambridge English Languages (Platinum Centre) in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Gallen, the CEL-Cambridge English Languages in Sulgen, the Cambridge English Examinations Centre Valais, the Cambridge English Examinations Centre Vaud East, the Swiss Exams in Zurich, the Swiss Exams (Platinum Centre) in Zurich and Zurich Flying Teachers GmbH.

The TKT modules

The TKT examination is divided into three core modules, which can be examined individually or together. You can also choose the sequence of the modules yourself. Preparation for the exam can take place online, in self-study or in a classroom seminar.

Core Modules

1. background to language teaching

This module contains terms and concepts that are relevant to the teaching of English. It is divided into 3 parts, the description of language and language skills, background information on language learning and background information on language teaching. The test has a duration of 1 hour and 20 minutes and contains 80 questions. There are 40 questions in the first part, 15 in the second part and 25 in the third part.

2. lesson planning

The lesson planning is divided into two parts. One is, as the module title already implies, lesson planning, and the other is the selection and use of materials and resources for planning it. The module test again contains 80 questions and the duration is again 1 hour and 20 minutes. The questions are divided exactly in half between the two parts.

3. classroom management

The language of the students and teachers in the classroom, as well as classroom guidance are the two parts of the third module. Each part again contains 40 questions and the test also takes 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Additional modules

In addition to the core modules, there are other test modules that can be added or taken independently of the core modules. These are:

1. Content and Language Integrated Learning, CLIL

Dieses Modul beinhaltet 4 verschiedene Themenbereiche, die Grundlagen zu CLIL, Unterrichtsplanung im CLIL Kontext, Unterrichtsdurchführung und Unterrichtsbeurteilung. Auch dieser Modultest besteht aus 80 Fragen und dauert 80 Minuten.

2. Young Learners

The Young Pupils module is particularly suitable in connection with teaching at primary level (age 6-12 years). It is divided into 4 areas, the learning and development of young students, lesson planning, teaching strategies and assessment of young students. Here too, 80 questions are asked, for which a duration of 80 minutes is planned.

3. Knowledge about Language

This module focuses on the English language from a teacher’s perspective and is divided into four parts: Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Grammar and Language Practice. Also in this module, 80 questions must be answered in 80 minutes.

4. Practical

Finally, there is a module called „Practical“, which is a supplement to the core modules. This module contains the first three modules but in the form of an application test. The examinee must either teach his/her fellow examiners or, if he/she is already teaching, the exam can also be taken there. This means that his or her teaching performance is assessed in relation to the content of the TKT content.

Die TKT Exams

The TKT examinations are conducted in accordance with Cambridge University’s regulations and take place in the modules described above. They can be either paper-based or computer-based. However, only the core modules can be examined on the computer. Dictionaries are not permitted as aids during the examination.

One point can be achieved per question, so that a maximum of 80 points can be achieved in each module. The result is evaluated on the basis of four different performance levels.

grade / performance levelDescription
1Limited knowledge of TKT content
2Systematic basic knowledge
3Deep and broad knowledge
4Extensive knowledge

In order to reach grade or performance level 3, 45-50 points must be achieved. Notification of the examination result will be sent by post approximately two weeks after the examination date. A separate certificate is issued for each module.

The costs of TKT

The fees for a TKT course can be obtained from the relevant examination center. As of July 2019, the fee in Munich at the Cambridge Institute is €70 for the three core modules.

Online preparation courses for TKT

Keine Beiträge gefunden.

Books on TKT Test Preparation

  • more than 50 questions (multiple choice)
  • feedback with wrong and correct answers
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