LCCI language certificates are highly regarded worldwide and are known for practice-oriented foreign language examinations in English. LCCI is the largest chamber of commerce and industry in Great Britain. The institution enjoys a worldwide reputation for its language training courses. An examination board, the LCCIEB (London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board) not only conducts business and secretarial examinations, but also foreign language examinations in English, which are awarded with a certificate. There are different tests for different language levels, with a focus on business English and English for professionals. But there are also language tests for children and young people.

The examination board LCCIEB conducts more than 500,000 examinations worldwide every year, with 20,000 examinations being conducted in Germany alone. There are 5000 examination centers in numerous countries worldwide. Not least because of the high number of participants, one can conclude that the LCCI language certificates are highly recognized. They are recognized by commercial enterprises as well as by universities, numerous associations, authorities, educational institutions and commercial institutions.

Special features of the LCCI language certificates

The special feature of the LCCI language certificates is that the main focus of the exams is very practical. Due to the job-related content, the courses are highly appreciated by business companies. The majority of the tests are aimed at professionals who need to improve their business English for professional reasons and need English for business situations. In addition, there are also certificates that are designed for professionals in the travel industry or for teachers. There are also tests that focus specifically on correspondence.

The EFB and WEFT certificates are based on the European Frame of Reference. This provides internationally adapted proof of English language skills.

History of the LCCI Language Certificates

The LCCI language certificates have been around for over 100 years and have always been highly valued by companies for their specifically job-related foreign language skills. Certificates from international companies such as BMW, BASF, Mercedes, Siemens, Sony and many more are taken into account. But there are also certificates that are specifically aimed at employees, students or universities.

Content classification of the LCCI certificates

The certificates serve different objectives and are therefore designed for different target groups. Basically, 8 LCCI certificates are issued, although there are sometimes different levels of the individual tests:

  • English for Business (EFB)
  • Written English for Tourism (WEFT)
  • English for Commerce (EFC)
  • English Language Skills Assessement (ELSA)
  • Further Certificate for Teachers of Business English
  • Spoken English for Industry an Commerce (SEFIC)
  • Practical Business English (PBE)

LCCI Certificates at a glance

English for Business (EFB)

The Certificate of Business English (EFB) is offered in different language levels. In total there are 5 different levels, ranging from elementary language use to competent language use. The EFB Certificate is the most popular and widely used English exam of the LCCIEB. The focus here is on the written language. But if desired, oral language competence can also be tested additionally. This examination is often required by companies at the time of recruitment.

Written English for Tourism (WEFT)

As the name of the exam suggests, this test is suitable for people who work in the travel and tourism industry and need English for their daily work. The test is designed to enable you to communicate orally and in writing with international customers and business partners.

Participation is recommended from the age of 16 years. The examination is divided into a written and an oral part, which can also be taken individually. The WEFT test is available in two levels.

English for Commerece (EFC)

Similar to the EFB exams, the EFC exam is also very practice-oriented. The focus here is especially on written skills such as essays and summaries. Reading comprehension is also tested. Two levels.

The exam can be taken in three different performance levels, whereby the tests are adapted to the European Reference Framework.

English Language Skills Assessement (ELSA)

The ELSA test is one of the shortest language tests of the LCCI. It lasts just over 75 minutes and uses a multiple choice test to check the language level of the participants. This test is often also used to assess the foreign language skills of business English and is therefore often requested by universities or employers for applications. Participants should be at least 16 years old at the time of taking the test.

Further Certificate for Teachers of Business English (FTBE)

The FTBE Test is designed for advanced English teachers who want to specialize in teaching business English in the future. With this certificate you will be familiarized with the methodology and the teaching materials available and will gain the necessary qualifications to work internationally as a teacher in this field.

Spoken English for Industry and Commerce (SEFCI)

For the SEFCI certificate, competencies in everyday business communication are tested. To obtain it, one must take a purely oral exam. The exam usually includes role-plays as well as general conversations and presentations. The certificate is divided into five different levels, all of which are adapted to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Practical Business English (PBE)

The PBE exam is probably the shortest language exam of the LCCI and is aimed at beginners and those who want to refresh their English skills and need an assessment of their language level. The test takes only one hour and is designed as a multiple choice test. The recommended minimum age is 14 years.

Classification of EFB and WEFT certificates in the European Reference Framework

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