Applying for admission to a U.S. university or college is essential without a study aptitude test such as SAT English. The Scholastic Assessement or Scholastic Aptitude Test with Language Diploma provides a basis for measuring English language ability. The provider of the scientifically based language test is the organization College Board, which also provides the respective examination commissions. The SAT test is suitable for an acceptance at a university for pursuing the Bachelor’s degree. SAT tests enable registration with the NCAA Clearingshouse. This is necessary in order to be able to start an application to the desired university.

Levels of the SAT

The level of the SAT Test English is well above that of the Abitur. If the certificate test is to be conducted in Germany, it is subject to the same framework criteria as in the USA. Certain rules and standards are applied, which largely guarantee the desired fairness, reliability, validity and objectivity.

Target groups of the SAT

The target group of the test is primarily international applicants for a course of study with a Bachelor’s examination. Not every secondary educational institution requires the SAT English. However, if the SAT is required in the application requirements, German-speaking students must also take it.

Advantages of the SAT

Since the SAT English is an additional proof of study ability, it allows conclusions to be drawn about different abilities and skills of the students. Not only the language skills are included. It is also about assessing the student’s intellectual, social, physical, psychological, emotional and technical potential. Further advantages are the high value and the corresponding reputation among educational institutions in the US-American states.

Goals of the SAT

The Scholastic Assessement Test tests the basics and specific language skills. This in turn is done in the SAT Subject Test with a total of five exam genres. The learning objectives of the Scholastic Assessment Test vary. Typically, they are to develop skills in analytical and general thinking as well as in writing academic papers. Further consolidation and development of knowledge of the stylistic, semantic and syntactic rules of English as well as spelling are further objectives of the preliminary courses.

SAT Prüfung

The contents of the test with complete 3 hours and 45 minutes summarize all learning topics of the preparation courses. In 70 minutes of test time, participants have the opportunity to prove their level of knowledge of English in the area of Critical Reading. This is done by reading texts, then answering questions about the text and completing sentence passages.

There are 60 minutes for the Writing with the correction of an essay regarding orthographic and grammatical deficiencies as well as semantics and syntax.

The Mathematics test section includes 70 minutes to 80 minutes examination time. Typical are multiple-choice questions and math problems. In some cases, the time frame varies from test center to test center. Students who wish to take a subject test choose from history, languages, mathematics, science and English.

Cost of the SAT

A SAT test should be scheduled at about 51 US$ in the USA, in Germany and Switzerland at about 35 US$. SAT subject tests cost 13 US$ plus registration of about 25 US$.

SAT Test Preparation via Online Course

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Registration for the SAT

To register for the SAT, you can contact a certified testing provider. To see which test centers offer the desired exam date, visit the official College Board SAT website.

Shortly suppliers of the SAT will be presented here.

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