The WEFT English Language Test (Written English For Tourism) is administered by the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry or LCCI. It is a writing test developed primarily for the tourism sector.

Levels of the WEFT English Test

The classic levels of the test are B1 and B2. The written part of the test is the most common. The test documents and the assessments are subject to the standardized regulations of the CEFR.

Target groups of the WEFT English Test

Target groups of the test are employees whose profession is in the travel or tourism industry. Therefore, the test mainly covers everyday travel-related situations in English. The WEFT Test English is suitable for people who are at least 16 years old.

Advantages of the WEFT English Test

Written English for the Tourism Industry fully complies with the scientifically proven provisions of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the specifications of the LCCI.

The advantages of the test are the need-based specification, the precise evaluation and the international comparability. Also worth mentioning is the high level, which guarantees worldwide recognition by travel and tourism companies. Furthermore, the WEFT Test English is offered as a partial examination of the TOEFL.

Goals of the WEFT English Test

The learning objectives of the test include understanding the main content of a text and being able to master linguistically specific tourism situations. Candidates are able to talk about different professional and personal issues in a coherent way. Level B2 is an improvement on Level B1, which is based on the very independent use of English. The corresponding level of difficulty is set by the CEFR.

WEFT Examinations English Test

The test contents are focused on testing business or business English as a so-called working language. Depending on personal preferences, the WEFT test can be taken as a stand-alone exam or in combination with the SEFIC test at one and the same reference level.

Beim WEFT Test Level B1 sollten bereits Sprachkenntnisse verfügbar sein, die eine selbstständige Kommunikation in Englisch ermöglichen (Smalltalk, Informationen weitergeben). Die Prüfzentren halten es so, dass jeweils ein mündlicher und ein schriftlicher Teil zu bewältigen sind. Der zu Prüfende verfasst ein Essay über ein beliebiges Thema seiner Wahl in etwa 30 Minuten.

For the WEFT Test Level B1, language skills should already be available that allow independent communication in English (small talk, passing on information). The test centers hold it in such a way that one oral and one written part each must be mastered. The examinee writes an essay on any topic of his/her choice in about 30 minutes.

Costs for the WEFT English Test

The cost of the test, which is an additional qualification with regard to the English language, is determined by a schedule of fees, which can usually be obtained from the relevant test centers.

WEFT test preparation via online courses

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Registration for the WEFT English Test

To register for the WEFT, you can contact a certified test provider. The WEFT LCCI language test is offered in about 5000 examination centers in numerous countries. As a rule, private educational institutions also offer corresponding preparation courses, so that the official WEFT examination is then held after the preparation course.

Shortly suppliers of the WEFT will be presented here.

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