Taking the TELC Test French certifies the desired language competence for study, work and professional training. The European Language Certifcates are internationally recognized due to the implementation of the scientifically based provisions of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. A TELC language diploma is one of the most prestigious certificates in Europe. Depending on the level of proficiency, different age and person groups can take a TELC French test.

Levels of the TELC French Test

The levels of the test are based on the standardized specifications of the CEFR and on the ISO 9001 standard. The corresponding levels A to C are characteristic. In order to ensure that the test is designed as individually as possible, these levels are divided into levels such as A1, A2, B1, C1, C2 and B2 in the TELC test.

Target groups of the TELC French Test

Among the target groups of the TELC Test French are students and trainees as well as working and studying participants. Pensioners and immigrants can also take the TELC Test.

Advantages of the TELC French Test

The advantages of the rest are excellent quality, flexible teaching options and a precise evaluation of the exam according to uniform guidelines.

Goals of the TELC French Test

The learning objectives of the test are the acquisition of a rich vocabulary, the best possible oral and written expression in French, and free speech.

Die TELC-Examinations French Test

A1 + A2 Exam

Students who wish to take the A1 level test will take a 10-minute test in vocabulary and grammar and a 15-minute test in listening comprehension and situational response. In addition, reading comprehension is 30 minutes and written expression 15 minutes. The oral exam lasts 10 minutes.

Level A2 in the TELC French test is based on 15 minutes of language module text, 20 minutes of situational answering and listening comprehension. 30 minutes are devoted to reading comprehension and 15 minutes to written expression. The oral language test takes 10 minutes.

B2 Exam

For level B2, the test is initially based on reading comprehension, French grammar and vocabulary with a 90-minute test duration. Listening comprehension and written expression take 30 minutes. The oral test with speaking takes 15 minutes. With 90 minutes reading comprehension in combination with the use of French language modules and 20 minutes listening comprehension, the B2 test is extremely demanding. In 30 minutes the written expression is tested and in 15 minutes the speaking.

Registration for the TELC French Test

Registration for the test is possible at various locations. An important contact point is KERN AG. There you will also find lists of other international test centers and the current test dates. To register for the test, simply send an e-mail or call us.

A central provider of the test is telc GmBH, which also accepts registrations. In addition, there are a further 30,000 test centers worldwide.

Cost of the TELC French Test

The cost of the test is 50 Euro per individual test. If a so-called quick correction is made, it costs 65 Euro. Decisive for the actual examination fee is the type of test. This results in a cost limit between 40 Euro and 140 Euro. Under certain circumstances the test is free of charge.

TELC French test preparation via online courses

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