The German Language Diploma of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs is offered as a language examination for German as a foreign language abroad or for German as a second language.

The main objective of the German Language Diploma is the learning of the German language with recognition as a foreign language during an assignment abroad and in Germany for a better integration and school education. The basis is a two-step program that ends with an examination. The German Language Diploma is primarily for migrants. It is also a prerequisite for studying at a university.

Levels of the DSD German Certificate

The high level of the tests is guaranteed according to CEFR and a common European reference framework. Different levels are taught by acquiring individual partial competences. The level I PRO refers to the B1 level. The decisive factor is always a certain number of points, such as for level A2/B1. Level II is based on knowledge of German at levels B2/C1 of the CEFR as proof of admission to university studies.

Target groups of the DSD German Certificate

The target group of the test are students and young adults interested in the subject German at foreign schools as well as migrants in Germany. The DSD (German) is tailored to young people between the ages of 14 and 19.

Advantages of the DSD German Certificate

The DSD German is ideal for primary school integration. All examinations are held worldwide according to uniform guidelines. The examination regulations and the provisions for the conduct of the examination include the acquired entitlements upon successful completion and the respective examination components. All language tests and the examinations are tailored to the educational needs and requirements of the respective age groups. All tests are free of charge for the participants.

Goals of the DSD German Certificate

Aims of the tests are the learning of the German language as well as the certification for a university entrance via the examinations DSD I, DSD I PRO and DSD II.

DDS Examinations

Four areas are specified as test contents. This is reading comprehension, which consists of five parts with 24 tasks. The test duration is 70 minutes in total. These consist of 60 minutes test time and 10 minutes transfer time.

Furthermore, the test content includes listening comprehension with also five sections and 24 tasks. The duration of the test is the same as for reading comprehension.

The written communication exam is scheduled for 75 minutes. The test is based on four criteria (overall impression, use of linguistic means, correctness and content).

The examination is concluded by practical oral communication with four contents over 15 minutes. It takes place at a foreign training center and is assessed by a specialized examination board.

Registration for the DSD German Certificate

Registration for the test should be made at least six months before the respective examination dates. Registration and announcement of examination times is handled by the secretariat of the KMK and at PASCH schools operating worldwide.

Cost for the DSD German Certificate

No examination or training fees have to be paid for the German Language Diploma.

DSD Test Preparations via Online Courses

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Provider of the DSD

German test providers and contact persons in Germany (Central Agency for Schools Abroad) are located in the various German states, including the DSD in Bavaria, Brandenburg and North Rhine-Westphalia.

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