Sprachniveau C2 im Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen (GER)
Language level C2 in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)

Language level C2 is the highest level of language proficiency according to the CEFR, and certifies and is at the level of competent language use. At this level, one should be able to understand everything one reads or hears in the foreign language with ease. Information from different sources should be able to be summarized, explained and explained in a coherent presentation. Speaking should be spontaneous and fluent, and it should also be possible to make complex and difficult issues clear by means of fine nuances of interpretation.

Language tests at language level C2 (GER) at a glance

BULATS Sprachtest
CPE Sprachtest
DELTA Sprachtest
ICELT Sprachtest
IELTS Sprachtest
CEIBT Sprachtest
CELI Sprachtest
CILS Sprachtest
DALF Sprachtest
DEC Sprachtest
DELE Sprachtest
DFA Sprachtest
DFP Französisch Test
DIE Sprachtest
EFB Sprachtest
ELSA Sprachtest
GMAT Sprach- und Mathetest
Goethe Sprachtest
HSK Chinesisch Sprachkurs
ÖSD Sprachtest
SEFIC Sprachtest
TELC Französisch Sprachtest
TELC Russisch Sprachtest
TRKI Sprachtest
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