woman standing in front of children
Foto von National Cancer Institute, Unsplash

The reasons for taking a language test are often very different. A language test helps to assess the language level, for example, in order to then find the appropriate language course to expand the language. Students who come to a country as migrants must also take language tests if they want to live permanently in their new home country. This helps with placement in the appropriate school class. Students who go abroad also need an assessment of their ability to speak the foreign language.

Depending on the requirements and needs, there are language tests at different levels. So before you decide on a language test, you should think about some questions:

  • For what purpose do I need the language test?
  • Which language level should be tested?
  • Which quality characteristics should the certificate have?
  • What should the reputation of the test be?
  • Do I need a language test for a certain purpose (student exchange)

In order to ensure comparability of language tests for students, we have created a list of possible tests so that you can get your bearings more quickly and choose the language course that suits you best.

Language tests for students at a glance

Language tests for students who want to test their language level especially for a placement test are the foglenden:

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